View Teach Well's program offerings in your state or territory:
Click on each State or Territory to see Teach Well’s program offerings.
We currently have programs in Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, Northern Territory, Queensland, the ACT, and New South Wales. Select a State or Territory to view our program offerings.

Western Australia Teach Well Programs

South Australia Teach Well Programs

Victoria Teach Well Programs

NSW Teach Well Programs

Northern Territory Teach Well Programs

Year 3-10 Masterclass Series
Supporting Year 3-10 teachers and leaders to translate research into action in their own classrooms.

ECE-Year 2 Masterclass Series
Supporting Early Childhood Education-Year 2 teachers and leaders to translate research into action in their own classrooms.

Instructional Lead Fellowship
Building Masterclass Alumni instructional leadership capacity, to embed and sustain high-impact instruction in their school.

Teaching for Impact in Mathematics (TIM) Series
The TIM Series provides professional learning support for teachers and leaders to get the most from the new Ochre Education materials for Mathematics.

Quarter Turn Workshops
A professional development workshop to support our alumni schools to scale and embed high-impact instructional strategies as a whole-school approach.

Impact for English Series
The Impact for English Series supports participants and school teams to review and build more effective practice into their implementation of the English curriculum, as part of their literacy and writing blocks, accelerating literacy outcomes for all students.