We create life-long learning opportunities for teachers and school leaders, that translate research into action, improving outcomes for all students.

Studies show that children with high performing teachers can learn four times as much in a year as children with low performing teachers (Hanushek, 2014).

5,000+ educators
500+ schools

across Australia have improved student learning and engagement through our programs

Our programs accelerate student learning

This is the best Professional Learning in the country. It is life changing and career defining. Thank you for the support you are giving to teachers, and in turn, the impact you are having on the lives of young Australians.

- James Baker, Principal, East Hamersley Primary School

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Our Approach

“Teach Well’s Masterclass Series is a valued component of the Department of Education’s ProLearn professional learning panel, which includes quality-assured programs demonstrated to improve the quality of classroom instruction.”
- Jay Peckitt, Director General, Western Australian Department of Education

“Teach Well’s Masterclass Series aligns with the Department’s school improvement priorities and supports the development of whole-school pedagogical practices through evidence-based, contemporary whole-school approaches. The practical experience it provides participants strengthens daily classroom practice and impacts on student achievement.”
-Lisa Rodgers, Former Director General, Western Australian Department of Education

Teach Well is an approved provider on the ProLearn panel for the Department of Education WA