Teach Well is committed to supporting all students to reach their full potential. We measure and evaluate the impact of our programs to better understand how our work with teachers and leaders drives improved outcomes for their students.


“This is such a good course that digs deep into classroom practice. This is where "the rubber hits the road" and therefore where professional learning is most needed. It has been great as a leader to be able to participate in the course and to assist our teachers.”

- Dave Norcliffe, Deputy Principal, Thornlie Senior High School

Learn more about Merici College's journey with Teach Well

Hear about Teach Well’s impact in Catalyst – High Impact Teaching Practice in Action


Merici College reflects on the improvements in student participation and engagement and the impact of high-impact instruction on student learning.

Participating Schools From Communities Across Australia

Christmas Island
Geraldton & Kalbarri
Greater Perth
Bunberry & South West Region
Tom Price & Pilbara Region
Halls Creek
Temora & Young
Cootamundra & Tumut
Canberra & Broulee
Pambula & Cooma
Shark Bay & Useless Loop
Bremer Bay
Wheatbelt Region
Meekathara & Murchison Region


of participants would recommend high-impact instructional strategies to other teachers.


of participants think most teachers could learn to use high-impact teaching practices as a result of the course.


of teachers, on average, are more confident using the full range of high-impact instructional strategies than before the Masterclass Series.


of participants agree that high-impact instruction is appropriate for low-achieving students in their class. 4% neither agree nor disagree.


of participants agree that high-impact instruction is appropriate for high-achieving students in their class. 6% neither agree nor disagree.

“I cannot review the Teach Well Masterclass more highly. It has been a perfect blend of evidence base and technique. There is no question it has put considerable pressure on teachers this year, however, it has also had a considerable positive impact on the skills of the participants.”

- Melanie Stafford, Deputy Principal & Instructional Coach, Singleton Primary School

Masterclass Series Impact in 2024

For full details on the impact of the course – for students, teachers, leaders, schools and regions, please see the Impact Report 2024. Snapshot reports are also available for 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020 and 2019.


Teachers changed their daily teaching practices

97% of teachers reported they changed their practice during the Masterclass.

77% of students reported their teachers changed their teaching practice.

100% of leaders reported noticeable changes in the practice of teachers undertaking the Masterclass.


Student Participation Improved

92% of teachers noted improvements in student participation in their class(es).

72% of students noted peer participation had improved in their class(es).


Student Engagement Improved

92% of teachers noted improvements in student engagement in their class(es).


Student Behaviour Improved

75% of teachers noted improvements in student behaviour in their class(es).

61% of students noted peer behaviour had improved in their class(es).

77% of teachers reported that students in their class are busy learning and they don’t waste/ lose time. Up from 61% pre-course (+16%).

62% of teachers reported that they don’t lose a lot of time because of students in their class interrupting the lesson. Up from 39% pre-course (+23%).


Teachers are more confident to expect more from their students

87% of teachers reported that they accept nothing less than the full attention and effort from all students. Up from 71% pre-course (+16%).


Teachers are more confident their students will achieve success with grade-level content

85% of teachers felt more confident students will achieve grade-level content as a result of them undertaking the Masterclass.


Students learnt more on average

In primary and secondary schools, and across all learning areas.

81% of teachers reported improved student academic progress over the course of the Masterclass:

  •  36% of participants reported improved student progress, against a comparison, and;
  • 45% of participants reported students made academic progress which the teacher reflected was more than they expected.

Student positively changed their views on their ability to learn

Few interventions have been shown to build stronger student mindsets.

After their teacher completed the Masterclass;

11% reduction in the number of students who agreed with the
statement: “People have a certain amount of intelligence and you can’t do much to change it.

15% reduction in the number of students who agreed with the
statement: “There is a limit to how much I can learn.

Leaders see the difference for students in their schools

Feedback from school leaders suggests that high-impact instruction is making a positive difference at their school and that the Masterclass has helped them in their role as instructional leaders.