The Impact for English Series supports participants and school teams to review and build more effective practice into their implementation of the English curriculum, as part of their literacy and writing blocks, accelerating literacy outcomes for all students.
Impact for English participants will:
Be able to describe the current evidence for the skills and knowledge students need for effective reading, writing and language comprehension instruction.
Be able to identify how these skills and knowledge are embedded across the four strands of the English curriculum.
Have audited and refined your current programming and literacy and writing block practices (including using the Word Recognition Audit Tool and Language Comprehension Audit Tool) to provide the systematic development of skills and knowledge in the English curriculum.
Be able to plan and deliver effective instruction, supporting delivery of the word recognition strand including phonics and word knowledge, as well as the language comprehension and language expression strands.
Have reviewed the evidence and practices for effective literature-based and knowledge-rich units, including how to embed grammar into meaningful contexts.
Have reviewed the role of background knowledge and vocabulary in building reading, writing and speaking and listening skills and have a plan for systematically building background knowledge, with embedded vocabulary instruction, linked to student-appropriate complex texts.
Have drafted a reading comprehension unit plan grounded in research-based practice and iterated this with feedback.

“Thank you for the opportunity. It is wonderful to attend PL where you can immediately see such a huge difference in teaching and learning when you return and begin to trial new ideas and procedures in the classroom. I am excited to continue building on my knowledge and embedding these ideas into our curriculum across the school.”
- Kelly, Early Childhood Teacher
Please contact us at [email protected] for dates and further information.